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US missile shield buckling under China, Russia, and North Korea

US missile defenses face mounting criticism as outdated systems and limited interceptors struggle to counter an evolving barrage of nuclear threats.

This month, the Atlantic Council released a report arguing that US missile defenses are insufficient against nuclear-armed adversaries such as China, Russia and North Korea.

The report states that while the 2022 National Defense Strategy and Missile Defense Review advocates staying ahead of North Korea’s missile capabilities while relying on strategic deterrence against China and Russia, this approach is insufficient due to the increasing sophistication and number of missile threats.

While the report says that the Biden Administration’s plan to increase ground-based interceptors (GBIs) by 2028 is seen as a step forward, it raises concerns about strategic stability with China and Russia. The report calls for a layered missile defense system, integrating advanced technologies and offensive measures to prevent missile launches.

It also stresses the importance of protecting US nuclear forces and command and control systems to ensure deterrence.

The report recommends increasing missile defense funding to one percent of the annual defense budget and enhancing transparency with China and Russia to mitigate arms race concerns. It says the ultimate goal is to create a robust defense system that complicates adversaries’ attack plans and reassures US allies.

The report concludes that US national security and its ability to project power globally could be significantly undermined without addressing these threats.

US missile defense may not have been a priority since the Reagan Administration. In 1983, the Reagan Administration unveiled the Strategic Defense Initiative (SDI), a