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Up in smoke? Ukraine’s bid to shame Japan Tobacco for Russia tax fails to ignite

Yet despite these ties, the company faces minimal criticism in Japanese media, with the public appearing to make few links between the implications of its business activities in relation to the conflict.

“Russia was a big market for Japan Tobacco before the war and while Ukraine has been publicising lists of foreign companies that continue to operate there since the invasion, they are showing no signs of leaving,” said James Brown, a professor of international relations at the Tokyo campus of Temple University who specialises in Russian affairs.

The refusal to withdraw “reveals a big difference in attitudes” between Japanese and other foreign firms, Brown told This Week in Asia.

International companies that did not quickly exit the Russian market – including Heineken, banking firm Citigroup and the Kraft-Heinz food giant – were hit with bad press, and have since pulled out due to the associated damage to their brands and businesses.