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Trump exposes EU bankruptcy on trade, war and climate

A specter is haunting Europe – the specter of Donald Trump. The European elites did not expect him to make a comeback and, worse still, they have no clue how to counter him.

When I was elected to the European Parliament in 2019, Donald Trump was still the 45th President of the United States, and the Eurocrats fantasized about “strategic autonomy.” In 2020, Joe Biden followed Trump, intoning: “America is back to lead the world again” and all of Brussels rejoiced.

Since then, the EU elites have pursued a policy completely oriented toward and dependent on the policy precepts of US liberals. In trade policy, the EU has severed ties with Russia and China, allowed itself to be drawn into the war in Ukraine, subjugated itself to the climate narrative, subscribed to every US sanction against countries of the Global South, totally surrendered its foreign policy independence and generally renounced everything that could somehow be contrary to the ideas and interests of a woke America.

And now Donald Trump is coming back as #47. He is the very antithesis of woke America. He will end the war in Ukraine, which will humiliate European foreign policy. He has announced that he will withdraw from the Paris Climate Agreement, giving the US a massive cost advantage over European industry, burdened by carbon taxes.

He wants to impose massive import tariffs, forcing Europe’s export industries to invest in the US. Trump has exposed every single European political decision of the last four years as wrong-headed.

And to make matters worse, Trump will make it impossible for the Eurocrats to conceal their failures. The EU’s attempt to censor social networks – above all Elon Musk’s X – through the Digital Services Act will encounter fierce