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Singapore detains 3 ‘radicalised’ men over potential local attacks, to fight against Israel

Singapore said on Thursday it had detained three men since October who were preparing to travel to the Middle East to fight against Israel, and one had expressed willingness to carry out attacks in Singapore if instructed to do so.

The Home Affairs Ministry said in a statement the three Singaporean men were not linked to one other and had been “radicalised” online, but there were no indication others had been recruited.

It was not immediately clear why the ministry announced the detention on Thursday.

Following their arrest in October, they were detained under Singapore’s Internal Security Act, which allows suspects to be held for lengthy periods without trial.

The three were a director of a digital marketing company, a lift mechanic and a security guard, aged 41, 21 and 44, respectively.

One of the three was willing to carry out any instruction from Iran’s Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, the statement said, “including conducting attacks in Singapore”, adding the man had no specific attack plans.