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Rohingya in Malaysia turn to tech to fight erasure, ‘have an identity’

For many among this stateless population of nearly 3 million, uprooted and scattered across the globe, daily life involves navigating the challenges of accessing food, finance, work, health and education – all without any legal documents.

In Kuala Lumpur, computer scientist Muhammad Noor has devised an ambitious plan to clear this bureaucratic blockage and, in doing so, restore the identity that has been stripped from so many Rohingya people.

His solution involves the use of blockchain technology – a secure digital database that cannot be altered or erased by those who view the Rohingya as enemies, including in Myanmar, where the Muslim group has its roots.

“The idea is to have a Rohingya identity, a decentralised identity so no one controls it,” Muhammad told This Week in Asia.

Many Rohingya lack legal identity documents, having been denied citizenship in Myanmar, resulting in their status as the world’s largest stateless population.