One ummah
September 19, 2024
ISLAMABAD – IN the Holy Quran, in the Almighty’s final message, as relayed to His beloved final Messenger, the Holy Prophet (PBUH), the Creator classifies believers as members of one ummah (community) as mentioned in Surah Muminun.
Of course, the Quran classifies mankind using different terms. For example, elsewhere (Surah Nisa), it is stated that humanity has been “created … from one soul”, highlighting the common origins of the human race.
Yet the ummah is a specific classification, bringing together all those who testify that there is no god but Allah, and that Hazrat Muhammad Mustafa is His last and final Messenger. In essence, while humanity is one tribe, the ummah is a smaller subgroup consisting of close ‘relatives’. Therefore, when members of one part of the ummah are in distress, it should concern all other members of this ‘family’.
Critics can question why such focus on members of the ummah, when Islam claims to be a universal religion, more so when the Holy Prophet, whose birth we are celebrating today, is described in the Quran as a “Mercy to the worlds”. Indeed, we should be concerned when any part of humanity is suffering. But going back to the tribe/ family analogy, while one would be concerned about troubles confronting those in one’s neighbourhood or city, one would be most concerned when members of one’s immediate family are in anguish.
Apart from the Quran, the need for believers to come to the aid of other believers is clearly mentioned in hadith literature. For example, in Biharul Anwar, it is stated that “if any believer comes to the aid of one who is oppressed, that would be better than fasting for a whole month and performing i’tikaf in the Sacred Mosque”. Similarly, in Sahih