China-led BRICS growth raises questions about shifting world order
BRICS has emerged as a significant international force since 2009 when it was established at a summit in Russia. What began as a five-member group encompassing Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa is now expanding with the integration of five new members and eight new partner countries. Even more countries may be joining in the next few years.
This growth raises essential questions about whether BRICS will challenge the leadership of traditional powers such as the US, the UK and the European Union.
But analysts are also questioning how united the bloc really is and whether a perceived lack of unity constitutes an obstacle to the bloc’s expansion. BRICS is undoubtedly diverse:
- Iran and Saudi Arabia compete as regional powers in the Middle East.
- Egypt and Ethiopia have had different conflicts around the Nile’s governance.
- The skirmishes between China and India are well known.
Yet, the bloc’s strength may reside in its capacity to integrate this diverse array of countries that are not fully aligned. Building loose international organizations may be the key to navigating international politics in these times of increasing polarization.
The rise of BRICS must be contextualised within the ongoing competition between the US and China. The rivalry between the world’s two largest economies is likely to intensify in the coming years, shaping the contemporary global order. China’s announcement of a record US$1 trillion trade surplus for 2024 and its solid 5% economic growth have bolstered the narrative that its development model represents an alternative to the US-sponsored neoliberal policies that have dominated much of the world in the past four decades.
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