Australia’s opposition overtly cozying up to China
When Peter Dutton was asked this week whether a Coalition government would continue to foster trade relations with China, he declared unequivocally that “the relationship with China will be much stronger than it is under the Albanese government.”
Two points stood out: Dutton’s own positive rhetoric, and his apparent confidence about the future of Australia-China relations.
It’s not unusual for opposition leaders to undertake a makeover, to their person or policy, as an election approaches. Anthony Albanese lost weight and acquired new glasses. Earlier, he’d made Labor a small policy target.
Dutton is simultaneously attempting a softening on some fronts – while retaining the “hard man” image on others.
Mid-last year Dutton said: “I’m pro-China and the relationship that we have with them. I want that trading relationship to increase. […] We need to make sure we strengthen the trading relationship because there are many businesses here who rely on it. But we have to be realistic about working to keep peace […] we live in a very uncertain time. The Prime Minister also says that we live in the most precarious period since the Second World War, and he’s right, and we need to work hard at peace as well.”
Contrast Dutton as defense minister in 2021. “Does the Chinese government wish to occupy other countries? Not in my judgment. But they do see us as tributary states. And that surrender of sovereignty and abandonment of any adherence to the international rule of law is what our country has fought against since Federation.”
It’s not that Dutton has changed his views on China. Rather, he’s camouflaged them with a softer tone, and in what he chooses to emphasize. Of course circumstances have changed – Australia now has a much