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A sinkhole swallowed a truck driver in Japan. It’s expanding and residents are worried

Tokyo CNN —

Japanese authorities haveasked hundreds of residents near Tokyo to evacuate as a sinkhole at an intersection grew to more than 40 meters wide, hampering rescuers racing to reach an elderly truck driver whose vehicle was swallowed by the hole.

On Tuesday, part of a road intersection in Saitama prefecture, about 18 miles north of Japan’s capital, opened up, swallowing a three-ton truck and its driver, a 74-year-old man, prompting a rescue mission now in its fourth day.

The pit has expanded to 40 meters wide – four times its width when it first appeared, a local official told CNN on Friday.

“The inside is gouging and it’s getting bigger every day,” the official from Saitama Prefecture’s Sewerage Works Division said.

Rescuers have used cranes to lift part of the truck out of the hole and have sent drones underground but have not been able to communicate with the truck driver since Tuesday.

Authorities believe that corroded sewer pipes may have caused the earth to fall in. Leaking wastewater may have further eroded the surrounding soil, widening the chasm, they said.

Two hundred households have been asked to evacuate from the areasince Tuesday, local authorities said.

Local authorities also asked 1.2 million residents to refrain from bathing and doing laundry in a bid to cut down on wastewater, which could further complicate rescue efforts in the fragile area.

Thesudden opening of the earth has sparked fears among somein the densely-populated region about the labyrinth of ageing pipes beneath their homes and businesses.

“I live close to the area, and I’ve been watching all the news footage. The moment the hole widens was really scary,” said oneuser on the social media platform, X.

The Ministry of Land,